Home Track and Port Handling Examples Get Port calls by port

Get Port calls by port

To get the port calls for a given port (by LOCODE) call:

GET /portserver/port/history/LOCODE
GET /portserver/port/history/GBFXT

To get the result for a specific period use

GET /portserver/port/history/GBFXT?begin=2021-06-01&end=2021-06-04

This will return the list of port calls starting on or after begin and before end

To get the result for a specific period use including all port calls started before begin add the pre-arrived=1 tag

GET /portserver/port/history/GBFXT?begin=2021-06-01&end=2021-06-04&pre-arrived=1

The returned result will look like:

Updated on 17 June, 2021