Ship Track

Track a ship towards a destination, defined by either other ship, position, port or predefined location.

To activate the track for ship, call the /ship/track API with information about the source (ship IMO, Name, MMSI or Callsign – supply as much information as possible) and the destination (port, position, location or ship).

POST /ship/track

The call will return an ID.

To get information about active tracks use the API operation:

GET /ship/track (with or without track ID - /ship/track/<track ID>)

The request will return track information for a (list of) ship. In addition the ETA to the destination is calculated based on the available AIS data. It is recommended to retrieve track data periodically to get the list of ships that the GateHouse system is tracking. Use this information to synchronize and call delete as follows, to remove active tracks that are no longer needs.

DELETE /ship/<track ID>

Notice the importance of removing old / stale tracks. They may interfere with other later arrivals of the same ship. To update information about a ship arrival, such as the ETA reported from the ship or other ERP data (see below), use the PUT operation to update the track.

PUT /ship/<track ID>

The list of ships is shared among the users within the same user group. These groups are maintained by the system administrator.

ERP data

Additional ERP information can be stored in the track object for later use and can e.g. come in handy when synchronizing track data with 3rd party ERP system.

The information can be stored and added/updated with the POST and PUT operations and will not be changed by the portserver. Even though the portserver will not change the erp data, data will be interpreted and additional data, useful for port management, will be added to the track object. The

The information must be stored in an “erp” key in the track object.

For usage example see Add/Update track related ERP parameters.


In cases where more routes can be used to reach a destination, one or more via points can be added when a track is created, to influence the ETA calculation.

Another case where via points will be helpful is to get ETA’s along the route toward a destination.

For a use case see Track ship to destination with via points.

Updated on 30 October, 2018