To retrieve a list of ships within a geographical area use the following API operation:
POST /ship/area
The request, which payload must define the area defined by geoJSON, will respond with a request ID that must be used to retrieve the result.
GET /ship/area/<request ID>
Notice that the operation may take several seconds to complete and thus the POST will return a HTTP code 202 to indicate the operation is in progress, the subsequent GET operation will also return HTTP code 202 until the operation is completed. GET will then return HTTP code 200 along with the result. Further more the result will automatically be deleted after the GET operation has responded with HTTP code 200. Thus it is not required for the client to issue the DELETE request.
Be aware that the position reports in the result may be a minute or more old depending on whether the data is collected from satellite or ground station. This is NOT a real time data stream.
For usage example see Get ships within an area.