What can AIS Network Monitoring help you with?

AIS Network Monitoring is a comprehensive solution designed to keep your AIS network running smoothly and efficiently. As an AIS network owner, you likely face the following challenges:

  • You want your AIS network to operate efficiently, with immediate alerts if any issues arise.
  • You need to minimize downtime and ensure a swift return to full operation when problems occur.
  • You prefer automated notifications about potential issues and a clear overview of your network’s performance, rather than manual inspections.

Who can benefit from using AIS Network Monitoring?

Maritime Authorities

Maritime authorities has a broad range of responsibilities aimed at ensuring the safety, security, and environmental sustainability of maritime operations in their respective economic exclusive zones. Having reliable data sources and control over your AIS network is a solid foundation for optimal situational awareness.

Maritime Intelligence and Defence

Maritime defense and intelligence face significant challenges due to the ever-evolving threats at sea. Having reliable data sources and control over your AIS network is a solid foundation for optimal situational awareness.

Coast Guards

Coast guard globally play a vital role in the maritime safety, security and protection. Having reliable data sources and control over your AIS network is a solid foundation for optimal situational awareness.

Maritime Authorities
Maritime Intelligence and Defence
Coast Guards

Features in the AIS Network Monitoring Product

  • Coverage Monitoring

Monitor your antennas, cables, and receivers, and gain a visual insight into your network’s coverage. We offer alerts to notify you when your receiver coverage diminishes.

  • Data Monitoring

Monitor your network connections to ensure efficiency and reliability, considering aspects like connectivity, data usage, latency, interruptions, and signal quality for a smooth operation.

  • Transmission Monitoring

Continuous monitoring ensures message stream integrity, consistently matching sent and received messages for verification, detecting spoofed messages by source MMSI.

  • VHF Data Link Monitoring

Offers a VDL interface to monitor AIS base stations in your network, providing data on load, slot transmission allocation, and slot reservations

More than just dots on a map: Build your own customized solution

Maritime Domain Monitor is the primary access point to the majority of our products, such as Replay and Reporting, Event Alerting, Aids to Navigation or Advanced Analytics and more. Depending on you specific objectives and needs, products are simply added to and accessed from this web-based platform.

Maritime Domain Monitor

Maritime Domain Monitor

Maritime Domain Monitor provides  you with a solid foundation for situational awareness. It is a web-based solution for viewing and analyzing various maritime data.

Replay and Reporting

Replay and Reporting

Empower your operation with the essential tools to analyze historical data, glean valuable insights from past incidents, fortify your readiness for future challenges, and maintain vigilant oversight of present maritime activities through real-time data.

Event Alerting

Event Alerting

Our Event Alerting tool enables you to set up area define monitoring, event notifications and automated responses.

AIS Network Monitoring

AIS Network Monitoring

AIS Network Monitoring is a comprehensive solution for monitoring an AIS network to ensure network integrity and stability with automatic alerts for any unusual network events.

Aids to Navigation - AtoN

Aids to Navigation - AtoN

Aids to Navigations is our product for virtual AtoN Management and monitoring of physical AtoNs.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics

Our Advanced Analytics are a set of features enabling maritime predictions. The predictions are based on historical data an advanced Machine Learning.

Extended Vessel Information

Extended Vessel Information

The Extended Vessel Information is a comprehensive vessel database, providing you with all available data on any given vessel, from basic vessel data to data on integrity and register history.

Data Mediation

Data Mediation

Data Mediation is a comprehensive solution for base station, receiver, AtoN and transmitter owners or satellite data feed receivers that are in need of mediating their AIS data stream.

Let’s get in touch

Joel Box
Sales Manager

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